Topic outline

  • 2. Overview of Albedo Experiment

    The Albedo Experiment will allow students to collect data on albedo (reflected light) in real-time from models of items that might be found orbiting the earth in LEO (Low Earth Orbit) or beyond. The sections of this activity will guide you in learning about LEO debris, preparing equipment, the use of the Kepler Light Grapher, and the possible models that you might use to perform the experiment.  

    Albedo is the amount of light that is reflected from a surface. The image below is from "A Blog About the Universe" and illustrates how light from a light source reflects from a surface. In the Experiment noted below, students will use a Control Target to gather data on albedo and compare it to an Experimental Target as the affect of texture, color, etc. on albedo are considered.

    The image depicts sunlight hitting a surface and being reflected at a 90 degree angle from the surface.  If the surface is light is the albedo bounces back more intensely than if the image is darker in color.